The term Quality of Life is not precisely defined. People define it various ways in various contexts. It is largely subjective in nature and largely depends on the values of the person or group. For our purposes here, it is defined as the general well being, comfort and happiness of a person or group. It includes, but is not limited to, spiritual, mental/psychological, emotional, physical, medical, family, social, educational, financial/economic, and political health elements. It differs from standard of living such that standard of living has more to do with the level/amount of income/money available. A person can have a high quality of life with low income. A person can have a high income but have a low quality of life. Thus, the availability of income may affect one's quality of life but it is not the determining factor.
The following are some, but not all, considerations to maximize opportunity for high quality of life. Of course, the timeline for such considerations will be different for different people. Also, these are not necessarily listed in priority order although some intuitively should have priority over others. For example, recognizing God should be first and foremost. Some are best pursued concurrently rather than sequentially. Also, every rule has an exception; for example some school drop outs do well and some people who never marry do well. But in general, the below considerations are wise for most people. Some of the principles you may have already violated; if so, commit to them now forward. No matter your age, start now! No matter what the past has brought and the future brings, trust in the love and grace of God and commit more so to him as you move forward.
Spiritual Elements
- Recognize God (Father, Son Jesus, Holy Spirit).
- Recognize Jesus came to bring life and life more abundantly.
- Recognize Jesus gave his life for human sins; his death, burial, and resurrection gives us hope for resurrection unto eternal life in Heaven. Yet, also recognize Jesus warns of the existence of Hell.
- Promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ as God's chosen method to reconcile us to himself and grant eternal life.
- Be steadfast in seeking God, his righteousness, his Kingdom, and his truth. Be not only a hearer and speaker of God's Word but also a practitioner of the Word of God (Matthew 22:34-40; Matthew 28:18-20; John 8:31-32; James 1:22-25). And remember Jesus began preaching saying repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matthew 4:17).
- Remember, Peter still went through a learning process even after the day of Pentecost (Galatians 2:11, Acts 10).
- All of us regardless of ministry level are to be humble lifelong learners. Let's be patient with each other.
- Recognize that although there are exceptions households should have a male head that leads his household in attending to the Word, Will, Way, Wisdom, Worship, and Worship of God (Genesis 1, 2, and 3) and that wives are to follow that leadership so long as he does not go against the principles for human behavior that God sets forth in the Holy Bible as described in the King James Version (KJV) and all translations consistent with the KJV. All abuse (mental, physical, etc.) is inconsistent with the Holy Bible.
- Get in and stay active in Jesus church (universal, regional, local) including lifelong regular assembly with other Christians (disciples of Jesus Christ). The purpose of such an assembly is to recognize and highlight God and the Word, Will, Way, Wisdom, and Work, and Worship of God. These other Christians should be both those of your own immediate household and those not of your immediate household. They should regularly include both those of your biological and legal immediate and extended family and those who are not biologically and legally related to you. Such as assembly can be in your home, someone else's home, in a "church building", in a local park, in the streets, or anywhere that reasonably accommodates such an assembly. Remember the perfect sinless Jesus yet assembled with imperfect folks in homes, in the streets and in buildings or wherever he occasioned. As he did so are we imperfect sinful folks expected to assemble with other imperfect sinful folks for God's glory and our/their betterment. Virtual assemblies and participation in assemblies virtually are okay but preference should be given to physically assembling when conditions support such physically assembling always letting wisdom prevail. The place and method of assembly is not of paramount importance; it is the assembly that is of the greater importance. Jesus says where two or three gather in his name there he will be in their midst (Matthew 18:20). So don't let the absence of large numbers keep you away; indeed you add to the number.
- With love, equitably receive all Jesus disciples and all who seek to be so, regardless of race, color of skin, ethnicity, nationality, gender, wealth, education, etc (Acts 10:28, 35; James 2:1-4, 5-9, 26).
- The name, labels, preferred terminology, and other human preferences (not mandated by God) of the church or group or denomination is not of paramount importance. For example, the Bible in Acts 11:26 refers to the disciples as Christians. Some may not prefer to use that biblically sound label while others do; some may prefer other labels to identify themselves.
- What is important is that all believers, local churches, denominations, or other groups have the biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ as their foundation and core as they seek and promote biblically sound doctrine and to live a life that pleases and glorifies God!
- Be mindful there is no perfect local church or denomination or other group for each is filled with imperfect people like you and I at varying levels of spiritual maturity.
- Wisely give of your time, talent, and treasure being mindful to properly balance church obligations with immediate household and other obligations.
- Be mindful that the church’s primary focus is one's relationship with God and spiritual matters of the soul and eternity. Yet, secondarily a church is to deal with one's relationship with other humans and matters of the physical temporal body. This dual responsibility is rooted in the greates commandment of love outlined by Jesus in Matthew 22:34-40.
- Pursue biblical spiritual/moral excellence and maturity. As the scripture says all are without excuse. This is especially true given the numerous churches available in most if not all cities in America and given the preaching/teaching available on the Internet, television, radio, print, etc.
Other Elements