Ministry expenses are intentinally presently kept low especially since the ministry has no church building to upkeep in that it uses facilities of other ministries; therefore, a lot of funding is not needed. Whatever is needed is mostly provided by Chaurcey out of his personal funds he allocates for his ministry activities such as use of facilities. This page is provided for those who would like to contribute whatever amount desired with this understanding set forth herein.
Your donations/contributions are appreciated and will be used in biblical support of ministers and ministries. Receipts shall be provided upon request or as required by IRS.
If you desire to make a non-tax-deductible donation in the form of a love offering or other gift directly to Rev. Chaurcey Boyd to help him meet his ministry/family expenses please click:
You may also make a non-tax-deductible donation on your SmartPhone via CashApp to $ChaurceyBoyd. For information on CashApp please click here.
You may also mail a non-tax-deductible check or money order payable to Chaurcey Boyd to: Chaurcey Boyd, PO Box 3082, Texarkana, TX 75504
TLCMBC presently only collects tax-deductible donations whenever it physically assembles for worship or other ministry. Therefore, if you would like to contribute tax-deductible donations please attend one of TLCMBC's physical assemblies when scheduled.
Copyright © —Total Life Christian Missionary Bible Center. All rights reserved worldwide.